Chapter1 The Curriculum

1. 翻译


  • 翻译:The last class of my old professor’s life (上) each week on his house, right before the study, where he can saw (淡红色) red leaves dropping down from the (小木槿). The class (上) on each Tuesday, after the breakfast, of which content is ‘The meaning of life’ which teached by his own experience.

  • 问题:

    • 每星期上一次这里的“上”不知道怎么表达: 用take place
    • “right before the study”这里后面一句我用了逗号再加where,感觉不太对,应该去掉都好的
  • 原文:

    The last class of my old professor’s life took place once a week in his house, by a window in the study where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed its pink leaves.

    The class met on Tuesdays. It began after breakfast. The subject was The Meaning of Life. It was taught from experience.

  • 改进点:

    • 用once a week表示每个星期,而不是each week?
    • 用in one’s house而不是on one’s house?
    • 就在书房的窗前我翻译成了就在书房前,不太对
    • see 要改成watch,表示能在哪里看什么


  • 翻译:There were no score yet no grade, but (口语) is required each week. You were expected to respond, and expected to make questions. You were expected to do some (体力活), such as move processor’s head to a (更好的) position or (架) the glass on his nose. Kiss him would get an extra score.

  • 问题:

    • 每星期都有口试怎么表达啊
  • 原文:

    No grades were given, but there were oral exams each week. You were expected to respond to questions, and you were expected to pose questions of your own.

    You were also required to perform physical tasks now and then, such as lifting the professor’s head to a comfortable spot on the pillow or placing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. Kissing him good-bye earned you extra credit.

  • 改进点:

    • 要表达“每星期都有口试”,不需要用”but (口语) is required each week”,只需要简单表达有就行了”but there were oral exams each week”。
    • 不能简单地这样说来表达需要提出问题”You were expected to respond”, respond是响应的意思,得具体表明需要响应什么:”You were expected to respond to questions”
    • be expected和be required的区别,前者表示期望,后者表示需要,如这里的“准备回答问题”可以理解成“被期望回答问题”,而“要时不时干一些体力活”可以理解成“被需要时不时干一些体力活”
    • Kiss him would get an extra score这句话很明显是不对的,太中文了。首先kiss要改成kissing,动词get是谁来get,所以也不对。


  • 翻译:Books were not required, but the subject was various, It includes love, work, sociaty, age, forgiveness and dead. The last class was brief, only had a few words.

  • 问题:

    • 这里的书本究竟怎么表达好一点,textbook?notebook?book?
    • 几句话可以用a few words来表达吗?
  • 原文:

    No books were required, yet many topics were covered, including love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, and, finally, death. The last lecture was brief, only a few words.

  • 改进:

    • “only had a few words”这里的”had”可以去掉,直接写成”only a few words”





  • 翻译:The graduation ceremony was replace by funeral. Although there was no (课程终结) examination, but you have to write a long paper base on what you had learned. The paper was present here. The last class of my processor only had one student. I was the student.

  • 问题:毕业典礼还是不会表达

  • 原文:

    A funeral was held in lieu of graduation.

    Although no final exam was given, you were expected to produce one long paper on what we learned. That paper was presented here.

    The last class of my old professor’s life had only one student.

    I was the student.

  • 改进:

    • graduation就已经有毕业典礼的意思,不需要再加ceremony


  • 翻译:It was in the late spring of 1979, a hot saturday afternoon. Hundred of students sat on the wood (折叠椅) in a row. We were wearing blue graduation (礼服), listening the (冗长) speaking. We throw our hat into the air when the ceremony was finished: The graduation class of (马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆市布兰代斯大学) had finally graduated. For most of us, that means the end of our childhood.

  • 问题:

    • 把帽子抛向空中,是throw onto还是into啊
  • 原文:

    It is the late spring of 1979, a hot, sticky Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of us sit together, side by side, in rows of wooden folding chairs on the main campus lawn. We wear blue nylon robes. We listen impatiently to long speeches.

    When the ceremony is over we throw our caps in the air and we are officially graduated from college, the senior class of Brandeis University in the city of Waltham, Massachusetts. For many of us, the curtain has just come down on childhood.

  • 改进点:

    • hundred用来修饰名词的时候是不需要加s的,如:one hundred,two hundred。但是如果表示大量的时候,是需要加s的,如:hundreds of
    • 典礼结束可以用over,而不是finish,为什么呢?我也不知道。。。也许也是可以的?
    • 把什么抛向空中可以用: throw … in the air, 而不是into the air


  • 翻译:Later, I found Morrie·, my favorite professor, and introduced him to my parents. He is short, (走起路来也弱不禁风似的,好像一阵大风随时会把他拂入云端). He was like the (先知) in bible wearing (长袍), and yet like (精灵) on christmas night. He had (炯炯有神的) blue eyes, the (日渐稀少) hair on his forehead, big ears, (鹰钩鼻), and (两撮) of grey-white (眉毛). His teeth was crooked, and (下面一排还向里凹陷), like punched by fist, But his smile was so (毫无遮拦), as if he was listened the most rediculors humor on the earth.

  • 问题:

    • 下面的一排牙怎么表示:
  • 原文:

    Afterward, I find Morrie Schwartz, my favorite professor, and introduce him to my parents.

    He is a small man who takes small steps, as if a strong wind could, at any time, whisk him up into the clouds.

    In his graduation day robe, he looks like a cross between a biblical prophet and a Christmas elf. He has sparkling blue-green eyes, thinning silver hair that spills onto his forehead, big ears, a triangular nose, and tufts of graying eyebrows.

    Although his teeth are crooked and his lower ones are slanted back-as if someone had once punched them in-when he smiles it’s as if you’d just told him the first joke on earth.

  • 改进点:

    • 为什么在at any time前面和后面要加逗号:He is a small man who takes small steps, as if a strong wind could, at any time, whisk him up into the clouds.

      from chatgpt:

      在这个句子中,有两处逗号使用,分别在 “at any time” 前面和后面:

      1. “as if a strong wind could, at any time, whisk him up into the clouds.” 这里的逗号是用来设置非限制性定语从句,对 “a strong wind” 进行进一步描述。非限制性定语从句通常用逗号与主句隔开,它是对前面的主句内容的补充或解释,但不改变主句的意思。在这里,定语从句 “as if a strong wind could whisk him up into the clouds” 表示这个小人走路的样子像是随时可能被强风卷走,因此用逗号与主句分隔开来,使得这个描述更加清晰。
      2. “at any time” 逗号的另一处使用是为了强调 “at any time” 这个短语,使其更加突出。这个短语表示随时、任何时候都可能发生的意思,逗号的使用可以让读者更容易在句子中注意到这个重要的时间概念。

      总结: 逗号在这句话中的使用是为了区分非限制性定语从句并进一步解释主句的内容,同时突出 “at any time” 这个短语,使其更加突出和清晰。

    • 表示某人穿着什么的时候,可以用In,如:In his graduation day robe. 指的是他穿着毕业典礼礼服的样子.

    • on the earth应该改成on earth, 不需要the


  • 翻译:He told my parents how I was acting on his class. He said to them: ‘You have a special son’. I feel kind of ashame and looked at my feet. When saying goodbye, I presented professor the gift, a brifecase with his initial name on it, I bought it the day before on a mall, I didn’t want to forget him. May be, I didn’t want him to forget me.

  • 问题:

    • 第一句感觉翻译地就不太对,how I was acting on his class?? 这样翻总觉得味道有点奇怪???
    • 告别时怎么说啊
  • 原文:

    He tells my parents how I took every class he taught. He tells them, ‘You have a special boy here’. Embarrassed, I look at my feet.

    Before we leave, I hand my professor a present, a briefcase with his initials on the front. I bought this the day before at a shopping mall. I didn’t want to forget him. Maybe I didn’t want him to forget me.

  • 改进点:

    • 在购物中心买的,用at a shopping mall, 不要用on a mall,是at不是on




  • 翻译:’Mitch, You are the best’, he said that as he was admiring the briefcase. And then he hugged me. I can feel the his thin arm around my back. I am taller than him, so I felt uncomfortable when he hugged me, It made me felt that I was the parent and he is the child. He asked me if I would keep in touch with him. And I Said “of course” inhestationly. When he turns back, I saw he was crying.

  • 原文:

    ‘Mitch, you are one of the good ones’, he says, admiring the briefcase. Then he hugs me.

    I feel his arms around my back. I am taller than he is, and when he holds me, I feel awkward, older, as if I were the parent and he were the child.

    He asks if I will stay in touch, and without hesitation I say, ‘Of course’.

    When he steps back, I see that he is crying.

2. 短语与生词

  • take place: 有上课的意思
  • once a week: 一周一次,不要再用each week啦
  • hibiscus: 木槿;芙蓉花
  • tuesdays: 加了s,能表达每个星期的星期二,而不需要用each tuesday了
  • from experience: 表示用某人的经历,不要用by one’s experience了
  • oral exams: 口试
  • pose: 提出,pose questions,提出问题
  • physical tasks: 体力活
  • now and then: 时不时
  • the bridge of one’s nose: 鼻梁
  • cover: 包含,如many topics were covered
  • community: 社会,不仅仅表示社区,还可以用来表示社会
  • lecture: 课
  • in lieu of: 替代
  • side by side: 并排地
  • in rows of: 表示在一排或一行中,通常用于描述物体或人按照某种方式排列在一条线上或平行的线上。如:The chairs were arranged in rows of five.(椅子按照五个一排列。)
  • lawn: 草坪
  • robes: 礼服
  • curtain: 帷幕
  • come down: 落下
  • Afterward: 随后
  • prophet: 先知
  • eyebrows: 眉毛
  • slanted: 歪斜的
  • step back: 后退

3. 知识点






  1. 非限制性定语从句(Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses): 非限制性定语从句用来对主句中的某个名词或名词短语进行补充性的描述,但不对该名词或名词短语的身份进行限制。非限制性定语从句通常用逗号将其与主句隔开。这类定语从句的存在并不是必需的,即使去掉它,主句的意思也依然完整。


  • My friend, who is a doctor, just got back from Africa.(非限制性定语从句为对”My friend”的补充描述)
  • The building, which was constructed last year, is now open to the public.(非限制性定语从句为对”the building”的补充描述)
  1. 限制性定语从句(Restrictive Relative Clauses): 限制性定语从句用来对主句中的某个名词或名词短语进行具体的限制或修饰,去掉它会使主句的意思不完整或产生歧义。这类定语从句通常不使用逗号与主句隔开。


  • The book that I am reading is borrowed from you.(限制性定语从句限制了”book”的范围,说明是”that I am reading”那本)
  • The boy who is sitting on the bench is my brother.(限制性定语从句指明是”who is sitting on the bench”的那个男孩)

总结: 非限制性定语从句和限制性定语从句的区别在于,非限制性定语从句用来补充说明主句中的名词或名词短语,不改变主句意思,通常用逗号与主句隔开;而限制性定语从句用来限制或具体指明主句中的名词或名词短语,不可省略,不用逗号与主句隔开。