
Jane: I have no new misterrutrster, I have strive … from you.

: And why would you leave?

Jane: Because of your wife

: I have no wife

Jane: But you … to be mariged.

: Jane, a mistake

Jane: … come often to you? Am I machine without feelings? Do you think because that I am poor and skill and … so hardless. … follow much out… to leave me as to leave you… I am not speaking to you with … flash. It’s my spirt that … you spirt … we are

: That’s we are

Jane: I am afraid that you … being independent. …. to leave you .

: Then decide your destine. … my hand.


Jane: I have known you Mr. Rochester and it strikes me with anguish to be torn from you.

Rochester: Then why must you leave?

Jane: Because of your wife.

Rochester: I have no wife.

Jane: But you are to be married.

Rochester: Jane, you must stay.

Jane: I’ve become nothing to you. Am I a machine without feelings? Do you think that because I am poor, obscure, plain and little that I am soulless and heartless? I have as much soul as you and full as much heart. And if god had blessed me with beauty and wealth I could make it as hard for you to leave me as it is for I to leave you. I’m not speaking to you through mortal flesh. It’s my spirit that addresses your spirit, as if it would pass through the grave and stood at god’s feet equal. As we are.

Rochester: As we are.

Jane: I am a free human being with an independent will which I now exert to leave you.

Rochester: Then let your will decide your destiny. I offer you my hand.













  1. strikes:
  2. anguish: (精神或肉体上的)极度痛苦
  3. obscure: “obscure” 是一个形容词,意思是模糊的、不清楚的、晦涩的或不著名的。在这段对话中,简用 “obscure” 形容自己,暗示她认为自己在外貌、社会地位上相对不显眼或不引人注意。她可能感到自己在罗切斯特眼中不起眼或不被重视,因此她在对话中表达了自己有着与他一样的情感和内心,无论外貌或贫穷与否,她都有灵魂和丰富的心。
  4. exert: “exert” 是一个动词,意思是运用、施加或发挥(力量、能量、影响等)。在这段对话中,当简说 “I now exert to leave you” 时,她指的是她正在运用自己的意志力或努力来离开罗切斯特。她表达了她的决心和努力,决定独立地做出自己的选择并离开他。这个词强调了简正在付出努力来实现自己的意愿。
  5. destiny: 命运
  6. mortal: 凡人的
  7. flesh: 肉体


  1. as much as: 几乎,差不多
  2. to be torn from: 在这里表示被迫离开或被撕裂离开的意思。它强调了简对与罗切斯特分离的痛苦和困扰之感。简感受到了被迫离开罗切斯特的痛苦,就像被强行剥离或撕裂开一样。这个短语暗示了一种强烈的情感和痛苦的割裂感,描述了简与罗切斯特之间的分离之痛。
  3. are to be married: “are to be” 是一个将来进行时的语法结构,用来表示某事将会或应该发生的情况。在这个对话中,”you are to be married” 意思是罗切斯特计划或安排好了结婚的事情,表示他即将结婚。这个结构强调了一个即将发生的事件或行动,给予它一种确定性和不可避免性的含义。简意识到罗切斯特的婚姻即将到来,这也是她离开的原因之一。



《简•爱》电影与原著不同的是,电影中Jane的好朋友Helen是在她小时候去世的,而原著中是在Jane毕业并留校任教两年后才去世的,不过相同的是在电影和原著中Helen都是患肺病去世的。Jane和Rochester的相遇在电影和原著中也有所不同。电影里是在倾盆大雨中,Jane去寄信时遇见了Rochester,并间接使其受伤,那时她还不知道此人就是Rochester,后来回到城堡才知道。而原著中是Jane 在黄昏时分外出散步,与刚从国外归来的Rochester邂逅。