
Rachel: Hey!

Monica: Hey!

Joey: Hey! What’s up?

Monica: The Switch thing is driving me crazy, so, I turn it off, and check every …now … work … which means … one has to be control be the switch. I plug in things … and if that is ….

Joey: That’s the … thing for you did

Rachel: You know, you also could use lambs and follow the light

Monica: yeah, ahh, I am using noise. Ok, so, everybody ready? here we go!

Rachel: It’s coming from Joey.

Phoebe: Oh my god, that sounds freaky, turn it off.


Rachel: Hey!

Monica: Hey!

Joey: Hey, What’s up?

Monica: The switch thing has been driving me crazy. So I turned it off and checked every outlet. Now four of them don’t work, which means one of them has to be controlled by the switch. So I plugged in things in all four outlet that they make noise. That way when I turn it on, I just follow the noise and find out which one it is.

Joey: I bet I stopped listening before you did.

Rachel: You know, you also could have used lamps and then followed the light.

Monica: Yeah, well, I’m using noise. Okay. All right. So, everybody ready? Here we go!

Rachel: It’s coming from Joey!

Phoebe: Oh my god! That’s so freaky! turn him off!

Rachel: 嘿!

Monica: 嘿!

Joey: 嘿,怎么了?

Monica: 这个开关的问题让我疯了。所以我关掉了它并检查了每个插座。现在有四个插座不工作了,这意味着其中一个是由开关控制的。所以我在这四个插座里插入会发出声音的东西。这样当我打开开关时,我只需跟着声音找出是哪一个。

Joey: 我敢打赌在你之前我就不再听了。

Rachel: 你知道吗,你也可以用灯泡,然后跟着光线找。

Monica: 是的,不过我用声音。好了,大家准备好了吗?开始!

Rachel: 声音是从Joey那边传出来的!

Phoebe: 天啊!太怪异了!关掉他!



  1. outlet: (通常指墙上的)电源插座
  2. freaky: 古怪吓人的


  1. plug in: 给。。。接通电源



  1. 开路:开路又称断路,是指电路中两点间无电流通过或连接了电阻值过大的导体时的电路状态。开路时电路中无电流通过,且用电设备不亮。该故障可通过测电笔检测,若测电笔不发光,则表明该线路存在开路。
  2. 短路:短路是指电流没有经过用电器而直接构成通路。发生短路时,电路中的电阻很小、电流很大,保险丝会自动熔断,从而使整个照明电路断电,严重的会烧毁线路引起火灾。该故障可通过万能表检测,若万能表电阻值为0,则表明该线路存在短路。
  3. 过载:过载是指设备运行负荷过大,超过了本身的额定负载。具体表现为电流过大、设备及线路发热、设备异响等。该故障可通过电流表检测,若负载状态下的工作电流超过额定电流,则处于过载状态。
  4. 电路接触不良:电路接触不良是指线路的连接处因为灰尘等异物或金属产生氧化物而导致线路连接处完全断开,或电阻异常增大,从而使电器或电路不能正常工作。具体表现为灯忽明忽暗,电器不能连续正常工作,严重的可能会损坏电器,甚至引发火灾。该故障可通过测温仪检测,测量开关的触点、接点的温度,根据测得的数据判断接触情况。